Monday, June 21, 2010
Food VS Aining Agent Porkchop - He is 10% of the reason I get up in the morning, the other 90% is because I need to pee.. says: PLEASE Agent Porkchop - He is 10% of the reason I get up in the morning, the other 90% is because I need to pee.. says: let me eat Agent Porkchop - He is 10% of the reason I get up in the morning, the other 90% is because I need to pee.. says: i'm .. Agent Porkchop - He is 10% of the reason I get up in the morning, the other 90% is because I need to pee.. says: hungry ♥ ∂ïnïng says: .... ♥ ∂ïnïng says: GO ♥ ∂ïnïng says: JUST GO ♥ ∂ïnïng says: FANCY U ♥ ∂ïnïng says: thinking abt tt when im about to die ♥ ∂ïnïng says: one fine day when im dying ♥ ∂ïnïng says: at my death bed ♥ ∂ïnïng says: telling u my death wish ♥ ∂ïnïng says: i can so imagine u saying ♥ ∂ïnïng says: "okie wait" ♥ ∂ïnïng says: "can i eat first?! ♥ ∂ïnïng says: den...i would have... ♥ ∂ïnïng says: "....n.......n........ " and died ♥ ∂ïnïng says: i wanted to say ♥ ∂ïnïng says: ...no... ♥ ∂ïnïng says: and u happily eating ur wadever ♥ ∂ïnïng says: and come back ♥ ∂ïnïng says: u see AN EMPTY BED ♥ ∂ïnïng says: and u'll be filled with REMORSE and GUILT ♥ ∂ïnïng says: tsk... hahahah.. i found this in my draft.... Laughing out loud when I read it..... the world will turn CRAZY like me at.
3:23 PM
Sunday, June 06, 2010
A WTH moment I've got a small cut on the sole of my right foot... it looked harmless, but its quite painful when I lay my foot straight on the ground, as it rubs with the floor's merciless rough texture. The pain is like salt on a wound. SO... I decided to stick a nice Disney plaster to make myself feel better.. See? So cheerful.. ![]() But who cares, right? I've got the cute piglet plaster... I'm BUT!! KNS!!! In the end, from a small cut, become................... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Yes.... 2-3steps of walking AFTER the happy plaster, I bloody sprained my ankle...... That moment.... Seriously, I was literally going "WTF!".. Its super WTH-ly WTH... If I were to sprain my leg at the marathon, Its UNDERSTANDABLE.. but for THIS reason?!?!?! It's really, ^*#(&$&%#@#^....
the world will turn CRAZY like me at.
12:10 AM
Friday, April 30, 2010
Love, it is like shitting. Think of the below sentences for love, and shitting.. it applies to both! You can try to force it to happen all you want, but if the right feeling isn't there, no matter how hard you force it, nothing would come out. Well, you'll only achieve pain, agony and a blue face. *** However, when it is time for it to happen, no matter how much you try to control it or stop it, it will eventually.... erm.... you know.... show itself. *** If you really DID control it, and it gets constipated/bottled inside ur heart for too long, you will eventually feel very uneasy and the thought of it will ALWAYS be on your mind. *** Sometimes, the feelings need to be cultivated for it to come out smoothly. *** If you sit at a position for too long, your butt will get numb. Just like love. So move! Keep things moving for the both of you. Find activities to spice up the love, so it won't be dead still.. or you'll get a numb butt.. And with a numb butt.. You can't feel anything anymore right? So move that ass! *** Sometimes you'll feel that its over. But when you are about to leave, the feeling comes back again. *** When it is too much to bear, you will experience pain and u'll wish at that moment, that you have a bigger asshole(bigger heart/courage) to just endure it through. *** Both love and shitting feels good when you are experiencing it. *** You can forego it for one day, two days.. But when you have not experienced it for many days.. It shows on your face... *** When it isn't smooth, u'll feel frustration. *** And last of all, Sometimes it gets stuck in the middle of nowhere.. it is up to you to either push it out? or suck it back in! Hahahahahha!!! *** So there you have it.. Love - shit relationship! Hahaha.. and yes... I thought about this in the toilet while shitting.. It suddenly dawn upon me that they both are really alike!! Just that, love is beautiful and shitting is ugly... Well.. Enjoy the weekends! *Jocelyn the world will turn CRAZY like me at.
5:06 PM
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Good morning everyone! Its the morning dirty chat with Karen and Jocelyn once again. But like I said before,(I think I said before), to understand these talks/jokes, you have to have at least a dirty mind.. No need filthy mind.. but just DIRTY mind.. hahahha.. So today Karen and I were talking about eating candies. 闪电乌龟!says: oohh..eating my happy rainbow candies now hahahah (from here onwards.. it started sounding dirty.. But i didn't realise it until she pointed out) Thunder Pig VII™ - Interesting dream.. says: oohh! is it nice? is it sweet? how long does it last? 闪电乌龟!says: depends becoz its RAINBOW its a mixture of sweet and sour but nth strong hmm 2-3min? Thunder Pig VII™ - Interesting dream.. says: SO FAST? its quite big leh! 闪电乌龟!says: so small! Thunder Pig VII™ - Interesting dream.. says: hahahaha 闪电乌龟!says: hahah Thunder Pig VII™ - Interesting dream.. says: its big compared to the one i ate i mean unless u bite it. 闪电乌龟!says: u realise our convo can sound wrong? Thunder Pig VII™ - Interesting dream.. says: HAHHHAH 闪电乌龟!says: lol yah i'm biting it hahha Thunder Pig VII™ - Interesting dream.. says: ahhhhh!! 闪电乌龟!says: lol kns hahaahha Hahhaha.. AND.. just a FYI, do u know 50cent - Candy Shop, is a dirty song??? hahaha.. some of you dunno right? Still dance and bounce ur head to the song. the world will turn CRAZY like me at.
11:21 AM
Saturday, April 03, 2010
I just woke up from a rather interesting dream. Can't remember the entire part, but the last part was very vivid. I was travelling and was brought to this place where no one has even been to, because it is one of the hardest place on earth to go. Anyway, I made it there. But I missed my flight back to Singapore because Jarel was talking to his colleagues until 11:45am and we missed our 12pm flight. Because the journey back down takes at least 30minutes.. We were forced to climb over mountains to head to a place to settle down at a place to wait for the next day to travel to the airport. Somehow, after all the climbing, we appeared to be at the top a gold waterfall! You know? it looked really very beautiful! The whole waterfall is pouring down GOLD instead of water. BUT, we were at the top.. And the only way down is to jump. The gold will probably NOT kill me cos its quite fine, like sand. and jumping down might hav a chance of surviving. But I was still afraid. So Jarel jumped first. He survived and signalled me to jump. I just stood up there until he have to come back up and throw me down.. YES.. HE THREW ME DOWN!! I landed in the water. (dunno how come become water). Den later I saw him jump down too.. I could hardly move in the water because there are SO many fishes and SHARKS. Jarel screamed to me to keep moving, or else the sharks will think I'm dead and will eat me up. So I struggled and forced myself to move against the current and the fishes. And what made things worse is the sea urchins! Wah, I needed to force myself to move AND keep my focus well, so I won't step on any of them and get poisoned and die. So after all the woohaa.. I got outta the water. Somehow, I was alone, Jarel somehow is not there. So I went to search for him. It was a weird place with old statues and shines. Old, but the place is beautiful. Next scene, I'm in the imperial army. -____- I was climbing mountains again!.. This time a snow mountain. The army was quite small.. like around 10 people. Led by a few generals. Our missions seemed to be transporting the princess up to the palace. I'm holding some kind of role in the army.. Like, I think I'm the 2nd in command. I have to look out for the others. oh! We have these super horses that can climb mountains! Its like, we are climbing 45 degrees up.. and 90 degrees up!! The horse just hooked themselves on some sandbags and pulled themselves up level by levels. Amazing horses. I was the last 3 that reached because there's this general that is suppose to guard the princess, he refuses any help! I reached the top of the palace and saw him and the princess still down there, so I put down my bags and went back down to help them. I offered my assistance by reaching out my hand and asked him to hold on to it so I can pull him up. He just said something like "不!我自己能上去。你先走吧!" So I just took some of his bags and said "好!那我把这些那上去先.." He looked at me like with face no choice and said, "Thank you." in English. I tell you, its like a chinese imperial olden army, where we are still carrying spears and those old weapons. But we speak with a mix of english and chinese.. haha.. quite weird. When he finally got the princess up, one of the other generals went up to him and scolded him. Saying things like, "你知道你这个态度能把我们全都害死吗?我们要帮助你,可你不愿意!你知道你这样也会害死公主吗?公主有什么事,你程的起吗!" Yea.. it was sth like that la.. My chinese isn't that good to know the entire thing they were saying.. But the general who was scolding him was quite pissed off.. Like asking him what is he trying to prove to the King by not wanting to be helped by others.. But I just walked away from the scene to do my things cos its non of my business.. den I can't remember the rest.... Anyone who knows how to interpret dreams. Please tell me what all these means. hahaha... the world will turn CRAZY like me at.
7:52 PM
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
I. Hate. Cockroaches. Had a random meet up with Quek, Jen and Qi this monday. Actually I wanted to go gym. BUT i realised that my keys to the gym locker is in my another bag in Jarel's house. Ughhh.. So I decided to make full use of my time to catch up with a few of them. We had RamenTen?(forgot the name of the place). Jen treated us. How sweet is she? THANKS JEN. hahaha... After dinner we went to walk around FEP (Far East Plaza), for them to buy their stuff. Hai.. Shopping days.. I miss them, but have to save for bloody school fees.. Seemed to be always something that is stopping me from spending money. So anyway, we decided that the night is still young, so we went Indochine outside Wisma for a short drink. Then, it happened. Cockroaches - I wish them DEATH, I tell you, DEATH!!! I was enjoying my pint of cold beer, chatting n laughing. And I felt something ticklish crawling on my back. I turned around, and tried to see what is it. AS I TURNED MY HEAD AROUND, that thing, THAT THING, immediately crawled down and ran back behind the sofa. Bad enough, I caught a glimpse of its brown shiny ass to let me know that it is...... a cockroach. At that point of time, I wanted to scream, for I feel so so SO disgusted that it was ON me!! Wah lao way.. I tell you.. DEATH TO ALL COCKROACHES!! After that, I was sitting very uncomfortably, constantly checking my back to ensure it is not back to haunt me. Check check check, den you know what? Its not behind me, IT IS IN FRONT OF ME!! BESIDE QUEK!! I WAS LIKE!! WTF WTF!!! Quek did a 'AHHHHHHH!!' and we immediately stood up and prepare to leave. It was less den 10 inches away from her. Now to think about it, thank God it did not get onto her hair. We left the place and head home cos it was getting a little late. Hai... So on the way back alone, the long walk back home, it seemed like all cockroach has its eyes on me.. I swear I saw at least 3 more that night, lurking in corners, in front of me, scaring me with every turn. And den, when I thought all is safe. There's one in the lift. -______-. There's this two other girls who SAW the cockroach in the lift. One even pointed to it, the other one just went "Eeyo.." But still go in. I seriously do not understand why they are willing to go in. So, I concluded that they are not afraid. But the funny scene is when the lift door close....... They started screaming and jumping like mad women!! They continued to scream and jump as the lift went up. And, seeing them go up like that, the only expression on my face is -_- Like, you are afraid of cockroaches, then why the hell you go in the lift when you see one there?!! Do. not. understand. Anyway, I took the other lift, scanned the whole lift up and down, make sure its safe before I head in. When I reached home, I can't tell you how relieved I was. I was like "ahhh.... Finally.. " It was like a mini adventure. After that night, I've been having nightmare about cockroaches. I tell you.. It is not a dream to hav. I remember when I was younger, I had this dream that there were 3 cockroaches blocking my way at the stairs, so I picked up my courage and tried scare them away by stomping my foot on the ground. It was a wrong move. The 3 cockroaches somehow merged into 1 and became a GIANT MASSIVE COCKROACH! Like 2 times my height. (You know? Like power rangers? Like how the zords merged to become MEGAZORD? Ya.. its like that.. ) It just became DAMN BIG! I spent the rest of the dream running away from THAT cockroach. It was Cry, Scream and Run. Tiring dream. And no one was there to save me.. T_T Now, THIS TIME. I dreamt of that bloody cockroach from Indochine. Let's call it the IndoRoach. I dreamt that it somehow managed to climb in my bag and followed me home. And when I opened my bag in the dream, I saw it there. I just immediately closed the bag. I dunno, maybe I was trying to suffocate it and hope it'll die the next day. BUT the 'next day' in the dream. I forgot.. Yes.. I forgot the cockroach was still in the bag. I just took out the Lays potato chips from my bag and started eating it in my office. After eating like the last few, I SAW THE INDOROACH IN THE POTATO CHIP BAG!! SLEEPING!! I Screamed and immediately sealed bag up and threw it in my office pantry bin. Hai.. that was the last dream. I'm very regretful why didn't I kill it before I dump it in the bin. Ughhh.. Even now, I can still feel the ticklish feeling at my back.. Arghh.. How do you all deal with Cockroaches? Is it possible to kill them swiftly and cleanly? AND, As if to mock me, I read on OMGFacts today, where they talked about Cockroaches. Do you know cockroaches are capable of living 30 days without their heads?! HOW AMAZINGLY DISGUSTING IS THAT!! You may think you have killed them by chopping off their heads, but they'll go "HA HA HA!! I'm not dead YET! I CAN STILL SURVIVE WITHOUT A HEAD AND RUN DISGUSTINGLY AROUND IN YOUR ROOM FOR ANOTHER 30 DAYS!! WOoo!!" Hai. Like Mohinder from 'Heroes' said, "Man is a narcissistic species by nature. We have colonized the four corners of our tiny planet. But we are not the pinnacle of so-called evolution. That honor belongs to the lowly cockroach. Capable of living for months without food. Remaining alive headless for weeks at a time. Resistant to radiation. If God has indeed created Himself in His own image, then I submit to you that God is a cockroach. They say that man uses only a tenth of his brain power. Another percent, and we might actually be worthy of God's image... " But one thought. Since Cockroaches are SO amazing, why aren't they shown like some superhero character? Like 'Cockroachman', or 'Master Cockroach'. Why is there Spiderman, the ninja turtle's Rat master, Cicakman but just no cockroach? Hmmm.... the world will turn CRAZY like me at.
3:41 PM
Monday, March 22, 2010
I was talking to Aining and Karen in the morning. Aining have been deprived from MSN for quite awhile due to unforeseen circumstances. Hahaha.. ANYWAY.. things ALWAYS lead to.. you know.. very suggestive topics... tsk tsk tsk... (Anyway in the below context, TOK refers to " 敲他一笔") ∂ïnïng says: eh how to explain wads TOK Thunder Pig VII™ says: TOK u dunno? 闪电小龟 ! says: explain to her jocelyn i am SADDENED ∂ïnïng says: i told esther to TOK him tighter 闪电小龟 ! says: HAHAHAHHA!! KNS!! Thunder Pig VII™ says: -_- 闪电小龟 ! says: lolx tighter HAHAH!! Thunder Pig VII™ says: hahaahHAHHAHAHh ∂ïnïng says: TOK TIGHTER 闪电小龟 ! says: jocelyn u caught tt! lol Thunder Pig VII™ says: TOK TIGHTER 闪电小龟 ! says: BLOG IT ∂ïnïng says: ..... waddddd eh damn u Thunder Pig VII™ says: HAHAHHAHA 闪电小龟 ! says: HAHAHAHA!!! tok means 敲他一笔 u noe? like tok his money? ∂ïnïng says: nvm i alrdy explain to esther it means..... JUST WATCH HIM TIGHTER LA Thunder Pig VII™ says: y watch him tighter? WHY TIGHTER?! ∂ïnïng says: hahaha TIGHT is good 闪电小龟 ! says: jocelyn BLOG BLOG!! hahaha Thunder Pig VII™ says: OK! hahaha this is going to the hall of fame 闪电小龟 ! says: WOO!! There! hahahahhaa... quoted from Aining, Tighter is better.. thou i dunno why she explains TOK as watch him tighter.. But still , HAHHAHHAHAH!!! the world will turn CRAZY like me at.
11:09 AM |