Friday, October 31, 2008

hello hello,

Remember me ? I'm the person who started up this blog and hoped for it to continue but didn't do anything to continue it and den complained and den updated a few post and stopped and now start posting again?


Oooo yes.. well done.. glad you remembered.
(for those who didn't, you may want to check if you're at the right blog)

Well, now is the time of the day whereby i'm very drained out.. Work as been.. u noe.. the same..
The concentration, quietness.. hmm.. Lunch time has been great, as food and I unite again!

Well.. today should be feasting again. =\ I wonder.. if I took all the food i ate in a week, consolidate them in a bag or sth.. and den dump it on someone, will tat person die ?

ok.. weird thing to be wondering abt.. ok.. ->Back to the topic..

oh wait.. there isn't really a topic to get back to.. -_-

Ahhh... Anyway.. i'm waiting for trade confirmations.. zzzzzz..... soo looongg... soo loooongg..

hmmmm... Cya ppl next time.. hahaha.. stupid post rite ! hai.. i noe i noe.. but be grateful that i did sth to sustain this blog k.......

haha.. byeeee~

the world will turn CRAZY like me at.
6:12 PM